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Ray Durkee Moves To New Dial Position!

When I started working on the digital archives of my father’s shows for the Internet, I thought it might be nice to be able to listen to the show in Denver again on-the-air. In early March, on a Sunday morning I emailed Chuck St. John with Cruisin’ 950 in Denver. Within 3 hours I had a positive response from him. We’ve waited for the sports schedule for the Avs and the Nuggets to wrap up the season, and now we’re putting the show back on-the-air for Denver radio listeners to share in the memories.

Every Sunday from 4-7 PM, tune in and listen on Cruisin’ 950 AM! This is really remarkable…my dad started at KOSI 1430 AM in 1959, in 1960 he was at KTLN 1280 AM, in 1969 he moved to KLZ 560 AM, from there he landed at KHOW 630 AM in 1972. Fast forward to 2015 and Ray Durkee starts his run at Cruisin’ 950 AM! What an accomplishment, I’m proud of what you’ve done, Dad!


A big thank you to Chuck St. John and Randy Jay for the warm welcome. We’re gonna have some fun with this!

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