A 3rd Generation Durkee on the Radio!

Darylanna Durkee, Ray's grand daughter, is the Executive Director for the Rugby Chamber of Commerce in Rugby, ND. Every Monday morning Darylanna does a segment on the radio at KZZJ 1450 AM and 92.1 FM to update the community on Chamber of Commerce matters. During her time at the radio station they said they recognized her name from somewhere and Darylanna mentioned her grand father was a radio syndicator. They remembered Sunday at the Memories from syndication during the '70s and '80s as the show aired in nine different markets in North Dakota on 12 different stations.
They asked Darylanna if they could also air the show in an encore broadcast like we do in Denver every Sunday. Darylanna hosts the shows and they air between noon and 3 pm every Sunday for an encore broadcast of Ray Durkee's Sunday at the Memories on KZZJ AM 1450 and 92.1 FM!