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A Memory From 1979!

Your dad has a special place in my family's heart. The first time he did the million sellers (I'm guessing 1979) we rented a summer house in upstate New York.

By chance back then, I tuned in to one of the few radio stations in this very rural area and found the "A's" the first week. Each week thereafter we would spend every Saturday floating on the lake and trying to guess what million sellers your dad would play on Sunday. My family and another family (we shared the house for the summer) would sit and laugh about what we got right and what we missed. It is a very warm and nostalgic freeze frame in time.

I taped some of the shows on cassette way back then.(poor quality) This morning I found the "H" tape while working out in my basement and it was a true gem to hear. That is how, just on a lark, I googled your dad and what do you know? I found the site and the memories. As you know it's more than just the music, it's your dad's love of the music and the time period that makes it work. Without your dad it would have limited charm.

Best regards, and thanks for the memories I will gladly buy the entire memories series.

Bo -30-

Bob Sacks President/Publisher Precision Media Group

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