Memories From Minnesota!
Welcome back, SATM!
Just a note to say that I'm delighted to listen once more to Sunday At The Memories. I listened to it in the 70s when i was growing up in a small town in southwestern Minnesota. I've been listening to the streaming episodes of SATM, and I'm going to buy a bunch of the shows to download in the near future.
I'm reminded, after all these years, of how good your father was on the air, of how he expressed his enthusiasms; he never had a bad word for anyone. There's nothing mean, nothing hateful in him.
Two other things strike me:
He was playing RECORDS, and so the sound quality will vary from song to song, which is how we all used to hear music.
Secondly, the show isn't about him---it's not an ego fest. He wanted to share the music he loved with his audiences. He's not a bombastic loudmouth; his modesty and humor are quite refreshing---especially in this day and age.
Oh---one more thing: I realize now how many songs and radio shows he introduced me to.
All best---