A Memory From 1980
Updated: Mar 15, 2021

Hello, James
I am so excited that you are making the Ray Durkee Sunday at the Memories shows available. I remember living in Sidney, Nebraska, and recording the shows on KHOW with a transistor radio and a battery-operated mini-cassette recorder as a teenager in 1980. I still have my old recorded files, transferred from cassette to CD to computer file. It will be good to have nice, clear ones. I am in Longmont, Colorado now and heard about your website from KEZW.
I always enjoyed listening to Ray Durkee. I remember him always encouraging listeners to attend and enjoy church services, which I do and respect him highly for that. I remember him talking about his ‘50s era Mercury. I also listened to his shows in Colorado Springs when I attended the blind school there, so the shows were a comfort in connecting my home world and my school world.
Anyway, I admire all your work and will eventually buy all the shows. I think that your endeavors will bring pleasure to a lot of people. Thank you again for making these available.
Sincerely, Linda Adams